Selfcare Sunday
Hello! Leftover qdoba for lunch. It wasn’t very picture worthy. But my hair is 😆. I spent most of this morning on my hair, yay. It is black again I feel amazing and new. I’m trying to keep my face out of the photos though because I’ve no makeup on. I did not cut it at all. I use 2 boxes of Revlon Colorsilk Soft Black #11. Here the before picture from a week or so ago.
To this 👇🏻 slightly dark more neutral tone
So that is done for awhile, like I said before I’ve not colored my hair yet this year even though I said I was going to like five times. The last time was in December in Las Cruces.
Can’t believe the time right now, literally this is all I got done today. So I’m going to go and be back later maybe? What is your selfcare today? I’m so happy it looks good and will stay looking good for months. So healthy too. I need to go to my socials now my meta accounts are acting so weird. I offloaded the apps and reuploaded to see if it was a the cache. Nothing changed, after I am there a few minutes all the posts disappear or go blank and I refresh it and try logging out and in again, everyone’s profile picture disappears too. I hope I wasn’t hacked, Facebook says I’m fine…I don’t know. Also something weird is that in FB I have ‘notifications’ but they aren’t mine. Like I’m getting a lot of notifications of people to other people I don’t even know. Also notified when my friends post on mutual friend pages. But none of those notifications are directed at me, lol. No one has even reacted to my posts much since this started. Like…I don’t care about who liked what or said what to someone else I don’t know. I just don’t know why it just started happening I haven’t changed any settings. I’m about to just turn notifications off, lol. God is that what happens when I react or comment on something, everyone is notified to look at it, like it’s their business, or like they care 🤣. Ugh why, please no.
For real this time I’m off, to figure that out. Later.
I am happy to report I’m not feeling very swollen/inflamed today for the third day in a row. That is something! The changes I‘ve made in the day to day are working for the most part.
Well I just came back to say good night I only slept until 6:30am and I didn’t get to a nap this afternoon. Until tomorrow…