Sensual ART
Just me

Sensual ART

Hello...I'm feeling a must be the moon, or venus, or the spring turning to summer or something can't put my finger on it...just kidding I totally can.  Is it just me? How's everyone else feeling?  I made a sexy toon video in February that I chickened out on posting on social media. I'll put some clips up here because it was a lot of work, I may as well, it is not that dirty honestly.
It's a self care sensual evening here, right now, as I type this... Do you make time to do you? � Well I say you got to play with your stuff, pelvic floor exercise is important to keep all your innards where they belong. Kegels are for everyone, so go on and grip your root chakra and send the energy upward through sacral to your spine, don’t forget to pull your breath upward and breath out down the front of your body. This will help you be here now in the present AND you feel that kundalini heat in your back. If that hasn't happened to you yet, don't be scared when it is activated it's really freaking hot, but it is amazing. If you need help focusing put on some orgasm frequencies binaural beats or music with a drop and get lost in yourself. Circulating your own sexual energy heals your body and keeps your creativity dare I say coming...😂. I'm off find the gallery pics. If you look real close on some of them you might just see something...naughtier than at first glance, enjoy my artistic sexpression. Not an invitation to be hit on or trolled please and thanks!! Gooood🌑Night!