Right! I just ❤️ this! :)



Hello. I‘ve been cleaning up some stuff in my storage drawers and I just ate lunch. Forgot to take pic. I stayed up until 2am, holy fuck balls why? Anyways lunch was a Freschetta gluten free pizza with pepperoni. I hardly ever eat pepperoni but the store was out of gluten free plain cheese so I took a chance, I figured I could just pull them off, but it was good too. Chimmie liked the pepperoni too, she isn’t a real big pizza crust fan, which is a good thing. I do give her crust from the cauliflower pizza crust she does love it. She is the first dog I have ever seen that doesn’t go crazy over pizza. Kitsune was hysterical over pizza, he would scream and be a total clown. Also have some gf blueberry muffins cooling off, but what happened…muffin blob.

Ugly muffins 🤣 o’well

I am going to do a celestial manicure today and I thought I’d add rhinestones for an extra oomph. I want to see how well they stick in this climate. I have high hopes they will stay on until I’m ready to take them off. I really love the manicure I have on the rainbow obsidian one, but my nails have grown out a lot and it needs to come off. I need a rainbow obsidian in my life. More crystals? Always. I‘m in my dragon era, lol, dragons love crystals.

I will be doing an oracle reading here today. Check back this evening for it. I have a new deck coming this week. I’m excited. Who else has oracle cards, and how do you store them? I need a new way to store mine. I have quite a few. Maybe a plastic storage tote would be best. That way I can just get out the ones I want and they don’t have to all be out at the same time. It would free up some space in my drawers next to where I usually sit.

Anyone listen to my Spotify ‘Afterworlds‘ playlist yet, I can’t get enough. It opens my higher mind. How about that Devin Townsend video I posted yesterday? I see it as divine counterpart inner children meeting and overcoming past trauma together. He may have an entirely different meaning but that’s what I get out of it. The old world crumbling and a new one begins. It’s cute.

I will be back in a bit, after my nails. Have a good day

Well after three attempts I have given up on my nails today. I’ll try again tomorrow. I don’t know what the deal is, maybe the temperature and humidity not sure but it was not working out. I took polish off three times. Naked nails today, which feels really weird. I’ll be back in a bit with the cards.


I created a new post for the Oracle reading. It is up and ready go check it out! It’s called, becoming the sacred rebel.