


Happy Father’s Day! I live far away from my hometown so I don’t have many pictures of my dad and I together. My parents aren’t into photos being taken of them so I respect that. I’ve not seen them in person since 2018! I mentioned before that I don’t remember my grandfather on my dad’s side, he died when I was 6 months old in a car accident. My mom‘s dad however was very much a part of my life, one of my favorite people ever. He was very selfless and giving, everyone liked him. He passed away of Messothelioma, one of the first cases of it In 1997, I was at a very impressionable age of 17 why I think it hit me so hard. Out of all people that have died I think he may be the one I miss the most 😢. Well that’s kind of sad, lol. Let me change my energy real quick.

Okay, I’m back, here they are, I’m sure I’ve shown here before.

I also will add that I knew one great grandfather until I was 7 or 8 (my Dads mothers dad), his name was Harry (Moore), he was quite senile from what I remember, but kind, and smelly, lol, smelled like newspapers? He pretty much always asked the same thing to me, how old am I now? How’s Troubles? 😂 ‘Trouble’ was the name of my dog at the time, why he called him troubles plural not sure. He was a neighbors dog, they already named him and we adopted him but just kept the name as not to confuse the dog. We eventually gave him to my moms dad to live out his senior life in comfort. Lastly he‘d smile and ask how many boyfriends I got? Which always made me blush and he’d laugh. Okay pap I’m only 5 settle down.

Alright that‘s more than enough personal life talk from me. I may write another post later. I don’t know how to change the subject on this one. Have a great day! Selfcare!!