Super Hunter’s 🩸🌕 in ♈️

Super Hunter’s 🩸🌕 in ♈️


Shifting 8X for year 8.

Good morning. As you can see, today is a big one in the world of the Moon. First it is the biggest and last blood moon of 2024, it closes out the previous eclipse cycle. Supermoons have more influence and pull than regular full moons due to proximity to earth is closer. Whatever has surfaced negative or positive in the last few weeks will ripple through the next six months until the next eclipse season. It is why you don’t make major life decisions between eclipses they can backfire with intensity). The moon is in the sign of Aries, so this is a fire moon you’ll want to incorporate reds and oranges into your rituals today Crystals, candles, jewelry, food and drinks. Fire moon illuminates what doesn’t serve you, anything you’ve dug up from shadow work lately can now be released and burn away. I like to pair red (intensifier) with black because black is protective, shielding, and absorbing. Staying grounded will help you with manifestations. The fire is a purifying one, not meant to burn you, it is only to burn away all that is not you anymore.

This is a particularly heavy spiritual moon due to being in the year of the dragon, please enjoy this little video about it.

The (Wood) Dragon Moon (year of the dragon is only every 12 yrs)

Let the warrior rise

You can play this in the background of your day to help you manifest your desires…

I’ll be back with an oracle reading tonight in another post, it could be really late I’m not sure yet.

First I’ll be meditating to ground , center, and recharge. Then doing my manicure, adorn my hands with crystals and tattoos, filing my fire necklace with perfume, picking jewelry, cards, crystals, candles etc. Then at some point going to get food from the fish truck, I’ve skipped it the past two months And so today is the day. I’m purchasing a wooden triple circle dragon for my altar and as a fond memory keepsake of the fiercely transformative year of 2024. I’ll reveal that when I get it in a few days, I love it! I could so sum this year up already but I won’t. If I used one word to describe it, it would be Ahhhhhhhhhh! 🤣 that is a word right?