6th Dimensional Surreality
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6th Dimensional Surreality


Dedicating this post to my collective that resonate with me, you found me for a reason, we are moving, quantum leaping 3x this month to the 6th dimension….evolving, and expanding together. Let us go deep, I will follow up with a twofer post because I owe one from yesterday, it will be my normal day to day journaling. See you then.

Connecting 3D to 6D requires us to vibrate higher

Beyond 5D,

Revisiting my art “sands of timelines”….and moving beyond 5D

5th dimensional probability plane contains all possible universes that had the same initial conditions as ours (at the time of birth). The 5th dimension is limited by causality.

The 6th dimension is a 3D space of every possible ‘worlds’ not just ours, or state of our universe that exist after the big bang.

The many worlds interpretation: parallel universes do not exist in some other regions of space. Instead, they are right here, superimposed on our universe. They are right here and now, when you look a little deeper.

So breathe and inhale celestial magic…this is so beautiful. I am using this example of a 6D parallel earth using sound and visuals at the best we can do to describe the indescribable. Beyond 3D realty and senses to properly describe it, beyond 4th dimensional dream and time, and beyond 5th dimensional causality. …pinch yourself to see if you are awake...rise into your angelic embodiment without dying. We are the teleportation device to otherworldly travel right beyond our eyes. It’s all happening, we just fold over the next layer of consciousness and walk onto the next timeline of unlimited possibilities.