The aftermath ❄️
Mmm about 2 ft, knee high

The aftermath ❄️


Good morning, let me stretch

Done snowing, now for the road clean ups…and really cold temperatures for a week or so. There were a couple people shoveling the sidewalk last night at 2am and the roads were being done too. Chimmie sporadically barked through the duration, when the people would talk to each other. Not the best of the best night of sleep, but we made it through without losing any power, I did lose the internet briefly a few times.

There 25% chance of an X flare today, we shall see. What a busy cosmos we have lately. Lots of purging. Speaking of…

Heads up MarsRx back in Cancer for a few weeks. Be kind to yourself especially you water signs. The emotional stress might pour from the eyes out of frustration at times, that is okay. Let it, don’t suppress, you don’t have to share your problems, but don’t hold onto the physical effects it makes you sick. So this is a revist of energy of Oct and Nov, but this time without MercuryRx, so at least frustrations shouldn’t be about communication problems.


I had a ring sale last night. Yay! I packed it but not sure about the mail today, things should be much more back to normal tomorrow. Stuff is just slightly carved out right now.


Well, the website has been performing maintenance so some time has gone by. I’ll be back soon. Meanwhile, here is a screenshot from the local newspaper.

A funny FB memory,

Yes, 15 yrs ago I had my first blog. It was a dog blog called Kitsune’s Korner. 😂 omg, in hindsight that sounds like a hooker’s blog. I promise you it was not!
It was not!!


Here is another art peek. Feeling so fluid…

Secrets only water can tell

I have some alternate blurries of this, I love them. I don’t know…I am just someone who likes to stare into that type of art, because I see different I guess. So stay tuned for the first Tuesday of 2025, coming up quick like in 4 hrs, will I post at midnight? I dunno 😏 perhaps! I have not prepared another art story yet, maybe a few weeks until the next one. Let’s see how I feel. I have other things to do this year. Temperance is my card of the year.

I guess I should go for the night. I’m itchy right now, am I the only one? I’m going to salt cleanse. Good night