No fear
Stepping outside the cage now

No fear


It’s me, on camera and not a toon. Trying to be braver than I used to be but, 😮‍💨 that’s still rough! Will you clap for me there in your own homes? One day I’ll get used to it, maybe.


I spend so little time fully in 3D like that, I’m as shocked as you are to see that I really exist? 😆. Cardinal signs are glowing up now, in the 3D, complete immunity to the bullshit of the world. Did our time; fixed signs are suiting up for battle now. A lot can go right, don’t get too negative about it. The age of Individuation and transhumanism does have a dark side, but if we stay on the light side it could be amazing. We can be individuals and superheros that stand together without losing who we are, we all have a special gift to share. Ahh, anyways we touch on that another day.

I bought some tea to be festive through the holidays, comfort and joy tea is my fav

I’m trying not to be sad, this is has been a hard week for me in the past, I might not post memories. I’ll try and make new memories, through art. Did you like the last entry? It’s a multi dimensional story time type of thing. It is an alternative to my normal art dump but it has a theme. I have more to add in another post already. Maybe I’ll just do that for the rest of the month, it forces me to expand my horizons. I’ve already created tons of storylines the past few years, you know I work backwards. I’ll use all this to create physical paintings. It’s coming!!

I like to flip through the papers of time, space, dimensions and parallel universes of the 6th dimension. We might run into each other there...if you like. I’m just three sheets of paper away most of the time, cutting away time until I’m beyond it just existing, or is it not existing? Hmm. Good question. Just feels wavy, sound is elevated, bright colors but doesn’t hurt. There is no temperature, cannot feel texture of sand or water, wind blows but doesn’t move my body. Everything shimmers, and glitches in and out of view. But I guess that could be me, not my environment. If that is death its not so bad. Which alternate universe I don’t know, are other 6D universes different? Imagine so, you can’t even fathom how many there are. When I was really little I had a reoccurring dream of a long boring ride through space, traveling to a place called VaVa Land. I talked about it here once. So that is probably it. I finally made it. Maybe I stopped having the dream as I got older because I was further away from birth and was beginning to go into the programming stage of childhood. VaVa land sounds like an alien casino, lol! Ooh, that’s an art idea, it exists now.

Anyways, that’s enough for today. Good night. I’ll be here tomorrow sometime.