Rise and shine 🥱
Feeling so good it’s hard to get up

Rise and shine 🥱


Good morning. Great healing sleep last night for me, I feel really amazing. I‘m so grateful for it. Looking forward to the day ahead. If all days could start like this that would be great. The hard part about the body feeling not in pain is I want to stay cuddled up in my blanket longer because it feels good for once, but I must get on with it.

One coffee down. Bone broth down. Yesterday I felt a lot of swelling go down in my body, even more overnight. Even my boobs feel drained (lighter) today it such a good feeling. Now how long will it last?

I’m going to go, I’ll be back in a little bit. I hope everyone’s day is amazing.


Hey, I am back I just finished late lunch and am writing my ‘Beyond Angel Shift‘ post. Today or tomorrow I’ll post it. I’ll still stop by here in a little while…


Writing that post is so hard, I’m done with it for the night. It’s just so hard to explain. So sometime tomorrow I’ll get it out. With that said, I can’t think of anything else to talk about here because all of that is all in my head right now. Good thing I enjoy thinking about it. Lol.

This may not really be the case but sometimes it sure feels that way

So I guess it is good night, I imagine I’ll be up awhile still. What to do to unwind? Probably listen to music and work on digital art. I’ll close with a photo I worked on yesterday, I really like it. I hope you do too. This is really the only place I like posting this type of photo these days. Even though I do post on social media. What is it all for, lol?