Today’s FB memory, shining bright like a diamond!



Good morning, more like afternoon in one minute 11:59am. These light bursts are poppin off this week. Took awhile to get to sleep last night. I need to a listen to a wind down meditation pre bed.

Anyone remember the show Highlander?

Everytime I look at the Schumann or hear the word 5D light 😂

I’m about to eat lunch now and thought I’d write for a minute. Did you see last nights bonus post pic collage? Much more to come but I had the urge to share one. I’m putting together a list of 2024 costume wants/needs currently to see what I’m spending. I’ve decided on an entirely different brand of makeup ‘Ucanbe‘ which costs half as much, I don’t wear much makeup day to day. I am hand crafting some of the costumes onto existing parts if that makes sense. Painting, glueing, etc. It will be unique.

I have carpet cleaning tomorrow morning. Today I’ll be emptying my pot of dead…plant 😔 and tidying the table for the new yoga skeleton out in the mail today. I will insert pic when he arrives.

Going to eat, be back later.

Today is good! So good. Anyways…here is the skeleton. I get a new one every year or so. Does this one look mad? I think so, mad because he is doing yoga? Probably. I’ll be back again in a bit.

Oh happy birthday Virgos. It is that time again already, I should have known that because I‘m itching to get analytical and organized. Many times I have mentioned my Virgo stellium (Jupiter, Saturn and Mars) also north node and Lilith split between my third and forth houses. I love my Virgo’s they are the zodiac life coaches, they love to help, but hate when you don’t take their advice after asking for it. That is a lot like Capricorn we do the same, only nobody asks us but we give advice anyways, lol. I hope you all have a wonderful month, take a chill pill and have a Little fun with life, sometimes too serious.

I am going to say good night now. Tomorrow is a busy day.