Transformation for the sake of regeneration
😂 yay! Soul time

Transformation for the sake of regeneration


Hi everyone! Here is your Lions Gate Oracle reading for 2024. Take what resonates only, and discard the rest. It is a general reading so it may not be for you. I just want to say real quick, be very careful of your thoughts at this time, you have the capabilities to manifest very easily right now. So quickly change negative thoughts to positive ones. You’ll see during the reading why I say this. It is a very small thought manifestation that happened quickly to me so I included it as a message it was harmless but I was intrigued. It also wraps the ending up like a dream, for the sake of regeneration.

Also to save time and my fingers from typing a shit ton of stuff, I did a couple audio clips. Maybe I can lull you to sleep before the reading is over, lol. Just kidding but yeah my voice is kind of hypnotic today. I almost put myself in a trance while talking. High vibes 👆🏻.

listen to audio if interested in knowing what these crystals are, if not skip ahead
Crystals and beebops used today

Next is another audio clip of the Universal message today, I really wanted to just read you the book excerpt because it was really long.

Starry beginnings oracle
4. Stay the course

And the rest of the card lineup below 👇🏻

  1. What is Lion‘s gate bringing forward for you at this time?

We have 8. Scorpio in the upright. So positive Scorpionic energy. As you can see with the lineup of cards it will give you a broader look at what that means for you. Of course you could be a Scorpio ☀️ or rising, or dealing with a Scorpio ☀ or rising. But what this generally means is big transformation. As Scorpio goes through life they transform from the scorpion to the eagle to the phoenix. This collective is going through an abundance of good transformation. It is even the number 8 Card. During the 888 portal! So something in your life is going through like a massive (spirit giving me the word massive) transformation, and by the next 888 portal in nine years you will look back on your life today and not recognize a thing, it will change that much, but for the better, always for your greatest good. You will not regret the changes you make now for the future you, you are stepping into the future you (higher self) with each passing second and as soon as you start acknowledging that growth, you will be in complete soul embodiment. This card just melts so effortlessly into the next…

  1. Where do I focus my energy?

we have 40. Soul Time. Focus your energy within. I have never pulled this card before! Yes, Scorpio will help you understand soul time. Scorpio is the investigator of the zodiac, lends you curiosity and strength to not only face your monsters but to soar to new heights, this will come easier if you have significant Scorpio placements like (stellium/north node or midheaven) in your birth charts. Within the depths of your soul is your connection to the infinite. You are moving into a time where we are looking beyond this singular lifetime of 3D reality, this is where time as we knew it before no longer applies. From past to future, from linear to non linear, and all the little spaces between, that’s soul time. So you are transforming into your multidimensional self which has access to all experiences of the soul. All in any given moment. Soul time has been activated from a repetition of infinity sign. Triple 888 is double infinity sign which is confirmation of this. It is time to go within and find your soul’s curriculum. Keeping a dream journal is highly suggested, as messages will come to you this way.

  1. Where do I let go?

We have Blame

affirm “ I take accountability for my own well being ”

This card comes out a lot! Let go of blame, in the 3D world focus on forgiveness instead. Who are you blaming for what? Point the finger back at yourself and remember to then go within and forgive yourself aswell, for falling into negative mindsets. You cannot blame others for your problems, and to make excuses is an attempt to shift the blame.

  1. How do I succeed in this transformative energy?

    We got 39. The Temple

First thought when I look at the picture is the serenity of the colors and prayer hands, peaceful and joyous. Make yourself peaceful and joyous, you are the temple and the altar. Don’t let the outside world destroy you, muddy you, turn you upside down. Become so at peace within self that only you could burn the temple down, no one else has that kind of power over you. What do you spend your time worshiping is the question to ask yourself, traveling inward is there space for something heavenly on your altar? What is it?

Bonus card, this card flipped over at the same time as I pulled The temple, so I let it be in the reading. Not so much because it turned over but as I was shuffling the deck my mind played a scene from the movie Apocalypse Now, and I shrugged thinking that’s weird. One of those +40,000 random thoughts that pop up. Well, then that card showed its face and I was like hmmm. So I was barely, paying attention to that thought in my brain and I manifested the apocalypse card 😅. Be careful with your thoughts today! Is all I gotta say.

  1. There wasn’t a question it was just dying to be revealed…

We have 74. Apocalypsis

revelation=revealed truth

It is a painful card of letting truth come to light, let it guide your way. Letting the veil be lifted to what’s really happening. Making the unknown known. Apocalyptic energy is like a forest fire, . devastating yes but for the sake of regeneration. (the editor changed my forest to “Forrest” like Gump 😂 just had to share as I fixed it). What has been hiding from the nakedness of truth in your own lives? Be sure to connect to the temple, and remember what I said there. Alright. That is the reading. Holy! 🥑.

Now to name this reading…lol. Should be interesting.

Stay the course…you are the temple

Numbers of significance besides 888 are…
4 (twice), 8, 11, 40, &. 74