Get it…🤪 I live in Kansas SO I could not resist a Wizard of Oz joke



Good afternoon, not much sleep overnight here. The internet went out, it came back on within a few minutes though, thankfully. Then I was on an adventure in a dream, that turned into a work dream, I was even in a meeting, lol 😩.

So my eye is still goopy? Also, was really cold waking up today I had to put on the heat blanket while drinking coffee. It is in the 60’s at night, don’t know what that was about. Just finished eating a piece of GF pizza w/pepperoni it was good, but really oily, probably not the best decision of the day.

I’m working on art, and a list of things I’m grateful for. I’m thinking about what I need next month, almost out of my multivitamin. I will repurchase it. I think I might try It Just Works body deodorant pill. I have taken just liquid chlorophyll shots in the past but it is super messy dark green and stains anything. Living in the high desert I took Chloroxygen which is also a chlorophyll supplement that helps you take in and utilize more oxygen, I highly recommend if you travel to high places, it works right away. I am curious if I can actually go completely deodorant free with the “It Just works”. I already don’t sweat, which is a main reason to get away from aluminum deodorant altogether. I’m currently using secret clinical roll on right now but only about twice a week, because I think I’m slightly allergic to it. My armpits itch so bad after I put it on, but it was expensive so I’m finishing it 🥴. I usually buy dove clinical and it gives me no problems but it still has aluminum. I tried to like that other one that was aluminum free in a spray can, in that cherry blossom scent but I ended up hating the smell of it after awhile. It is still just a thought I may not do it, but if I do I’ll report what I think of it here.

Too funny, I just looked real quick at my Facebook memories and one of them was using the chlorofresh liquid shot. I don’t take any of this stuff anymore, and yeah I don’t eat breakfast hardly ever.

It feels really good to stretch my body today I can’t stop doing it. It feels like every stretch is the first time of the day but it isn’t. lol. That is a weird thing to say I guess but it’s true. Probably do my nails later, only two rhinestones fell off out of ten. Pretty good! I’ll be back later.

I didn’t do my nails afterall, I did start my period 😩 god it never ends, it’s 9 days early! Feels like I don’t even get a week between ovulation and period anymore. Hopefully it is only three days long, maybe menopause is coming 🤞🏻, can’t wait.

8:32 pm

Decided to try this new Mediterranean wrap from Jimmy John’s, pretty good. This one is chicken but they also have just a veggie as well. It has chicken, feta, olive tempenade, sabra hummus, spinach, tomato, red peppers, and cucumbers.

I’m about to have a brownie too. Hopefully sleep tonight, I’m ready for a deep sleep for like 6 hrs would be great. Good night those tuning in today. I’ll be back tomorrow.