July recap
😂 I’m good thanks though

July recap


Good afternoon, it’s morning for me, stayed up quite late/early probably 3am? Yeah, one of those nights, I spent a bit more time writing than I wanted to as you may have noticed the last post is also from today. My eyes were getting so crossed I read each line like five times. Ultimately just pushed publish after two hours, “It is good enough just finish it!“ Then when I stopped…I was awake…

I ordered a chair, a different one than I originally wanted because it happened to be out of stock. At first I was bummed out about it. However, it was meant to be because I found a different chair in the color I actually wanted (dark grey) for the same amount and almost the same style. It will be here Monday, yes! So glad, looking so forward to reclining occasionally.

You realize we had a X14 solar flare the other day? We are lucky earthlings it was on the far side of the sun! Want to see it? It is still 360 degree event but if that blast was facing the earth we would be in for some g storms we might not be able to handle. Luckily we only got a g1 storm and colorful skies through a camera lens.

From spaceweather

Okay the July recap, not much to say…it was a blur, such a fast month! Pretty quiet because the town is empty for the most part, which is nice. Very hot 🥵, a little sleepless, a little hermit crabby. Yeah it wasn’t too bad in my opinion. Definitely the fastest month this year for me.

So this was your twofers post for artless Tuesday. lol. Much more to come by September. I’ll be back, probably…have good one!