This and that
Sitting in Las Cruces last November comming to terms with moving soon

This and that


Hello…Tuesday already... So, that chair I got yesterday almost reclines completely straight across, like a bed, er a coffin, it only 22” wide, lol. I’ll definitely fall asleep in it, I can’t lay completely flat on my back though because it doesn’t feel good to do that, personally. So I didn’t take it all the way back and keep it there. When completely upright I still slouch it’s still at a recline so, I can‘t be productive in it. I prefer sitting straight up most of the time, so it does NOT completely rid me of my wicker chair, lol. Thats okay though, I really just need it to put my legs up a few times a day for swelling control, and day napping, it’s not hard to move it around.

Todays Facebook memory…a throwback from 2013

It’s my luv necklace!!

Speaking of jewelry I woke up this morning to a Mercari sale. Love to see it! I’m not really a pack rat these days, but that is my necklace, I need it.

That blackcraft warehouse sale order was a SCAM afterall. What a pain in the ass. Well, that is what I get for ordering straight from Instagram. I’m still waiting for my really small order from Sage Goddess, I was hoping to have it by Lions gate but it’s still in LA so probably not. O‘well. I’ll still do a reading that day. Am I doing a twofer post today? Not sure yet, I already have nothing to say worth saying. I’ll decide soon I may do something, but first I gotta go for now, I’ll definitely be back here on this post later.


Well, I’m back. I think I’m gonna leave it at one post tonight. Sorry! Also, I’m going take down some poetry from here today (My own, not the recited ones of others). I just feel like pulling back on my own stuff like that. I’ll leave up ”A time to rest“ but the rest are going away, for now. Having a milkshake from Sonic. Pretty good.

Just a thought passing through my brain:

When I lived in Las Cruces, I was about 9 -10 hrs from anywhere worth going. Now I live in Manhattan KS and I STILL live 9-10 hrs away from anywhere worth going, this time in all directions 😂.  What the hell, how bizarre is that?

Chimmie was having a nap and she started that weird howl she's done a couple times. I rocked her gently awake and after that she was all tail wagging and love, so not sure what that is, lol. Really loud though, but because asleep it sounds like she’s in slow motion 😂.