Todays FB memory…



I was up late last night, it ended up being one of those good art nights. If you know you know, you must follow through. I was really on a roll…next thing I know it’s 2:45am and I’m like, “I better call it a night”. So I found a stopping point, and hope to fall back into that groove this evening with the same flow. I just woke up a second time from a nap. I initially woke up at 8am had some coffee and broth and fell back asleep about noon. Skipped lunch opting for early dinner and Crumbl cookie, I held out so long 🤪. Lol. I knew I should go sooner than later in the week because the lemon poppyseed cake will sell out. I’ll show in a bit. I may have gotten 2 items. It is pretty late to be drinking celsius now but I have a high caffeine tolerance so I should be fine and need it. Lol

As far as my art from yesterday, it will be shown in September. I have so much to show and am quite excited! Wait just a little longer. I’m going to go for now. I’m going to start creating my Spotify playlist “Descending” so be on the lookout for that, I link it here when I come back. I’m fine no worries. Just need a darker playlist because it is The majority of music I like.

Be backackackac…

Welcome to Descending, the music of the abyssal earthly underground. I got a good start on it, I’m not finished. Follow me on Spotify or you can just save it to your playlists. I also changed the name of my playlist ‘Rise’ to ‘Ascending’, to counterbalance this one 😂, because I have to balance things out. I hope it is enjoyable.

This week’s Crumbl order:

Wow the cake was amazing! Perfectly balanced tart and sweet. I would recommend, but I would hurry because it will sell out. I’ve not tried the other one yet, and I can’t tell if powdered sugar was an accident or not because it’s not very evenly spread? The cookie is kind of not so pretty but I’m sure it’s delicious too. I’ll know tomorrow.

I recieved the supplement today I guess there was bad weather that delayed it a day.

Today is day one…

I read the ingredients and it sounds like a kidney cleanse. That would be quite the bonus! Of course that could even be the reason it just works 😂.

I’m not feeling artsy tonight as I had hoped, I don’t push that. I’ll just try and get some sleep instead. Feeling a little obsession tonight…a lovely human attribute seeping in. Going within to talk it out. I haven’t meditated today but I will now. Good night 😴 xx & ‘O!’ 😂