Tuesday of remembrance
Remembering my lil Moonglow girl, she glowed in the daytime l👀k. It‘s her bday

Tuesday of remembrance


Good morning, no art dump this week, things I’m working on are for the fall season. I may not post another art dump for a few weeks, I’m thinking first week of September will be the next one. I thank you ahead of time for your patience. I will find other topics for a twofer post though so definitely stick around for those.

First of all I want to show how Darklord Moonglow…glowed!

He lit up the room, lol. Relic couldn’t sleep 🤣

I woke up this morning to a thunderstorm, I have these noise canceling headphones on when I sleep and I play beats and frequencies. So I couldn’t hear the storm but I could see the lightning in the window. I thought it was car lights then I could hear a faint boom boom boom and pulled them off, I thought it was a car accident. No it was a thunderstorm with major wind. I guess it was 70 mph gusts, it reminded me of Florida.

So today is Zita’s birthday. I always spend a lil time talking to her spirit. I can totally envision her sleeping on the couch or walking down the hallway. She’s still with me, I can hear her begging for French fries.

She was my hardest loss, I never felt so empty than the day she departed. Grief on my face, the saddest I‘ve ever been. Too sad to cry, too tired, too dehydrated. It was a hard few weeks as she declined, and I knew the time was coming and I tried to save her a few vet visits +$1000 later it wasn’t enough she said she was ready to go.

I look like I had a stroke

I have grown a lot since then and have new perspectives on the shifting of life. I focus on the good times now, there were many, 16 years worth. She had traveled so many places with me, she never turned down a trip in the car.

I think this concludes this post. I’ll post a new one later today.

Back to the stars to find Kitsune 💫

My punk rocker girl. 😂 this was her song she loved it, so my yearly dedication is to play it.