Twisted Again šŸŖ
šŸ¤£ revamp from other day, with the Chili dog behind me.

Twisted Again šŸŖ

I canā€™t stop thinking about it so I had to have it. To justify that purchase I didnā€™t make or buy any thanksgiving treats, and I only have a month or so left here before I go far away from Twisted Sugar. So I had the banana cream cookie and half the chocolate cream one which is a new one for me. It was okay but I love the banana one. The one with the lime on it is the best one they have imo. It is coconut Heaven!

My b12 is out for delivery and I just bought my next bottle of magnesium, but this time from Wild Foods out of Texas. It has 7 types so it is really a complete magnesium, I cannot wait to start it, got a 15% off coupon for the weekend sale. That will be 180 days worth of b12 and 90 days magnesium so I can forget about it for a good while.

Today the search was on for cornstarch packing peanuts, which deemed unsuccessful. I wonā€™t use the styrofoam ones. Soā€¦I canā€™t pack my travel case nail polishes just yet. I donā€™t want the polishes to rattle around, I might need to get that from the movers directly.

My tailbone hurts today not sure why. Who pulled my tail? šŸ˜† Stop that. Alright, have goodnight I will be back tomorrow.

Iā€™m on a Kansas kickā€¦

How longā€¦