We are awake, hanging out drinking some water



Good afternoon I stayed up so late, new moons are always restless, I‘m just now getting started today. Relic and I are getting Qdoba for dinner. He’s getting a new friend next week just in time for the full moon. I think he’s stoked…not real sure, his expression is neutral and he doesn’t say much. 🤣. Stay tuned to meet him here first. My 8th Darklord 😳, and then there is Grimm which makes 9 kreeptures total. is funny because I have some little monsters from squishable and this morning I came up with the band name Darklords and the little monsters 😂😂😂. A great band name for a teenage metal group. Sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. At least I have jokes, right? I’m actually really good and I’m on my highest timeline, I’m going to hit my moving goal to my hidalgo hellscape in about a year -year and a half not three. These quantum leaps are massive. I got chills just saying it. So spirit confirmed. I’ll be selling art if/because I want to and getting my plants in the ground and building critter habitats, haunting hillsides and Texas shorelines, lol. Okay that’s enough for now for the mystery.

Anyways…laundry day. I am washing my donut pillow for the first time. I hope it survives the machine. We shall see soon, it will suck if it doesn’t and all the fluff came out. Please no! I got these really nice pee pads for Chimmie on Amazon to wash next. Would recommend for inside for small dog or old dog. You can’t see any pee marks and it’s pretty absorbent.

Looks like a regular rug, I have two for $29 on Amazon

I have an oracle deck calling my name for a few days, I think I have to get it. I have a few things to get there anyways. I’m going to go do that now. I’ll be back here later perhaps…

A noticeable ASC symptom today besides sleeplessness is the heart swelling feeling. Like needing to take large intentional breaths, feels like not enough lung room. When you breathe in you feel a pressure in your upper middle back (angel wings) it will pass.


This pillow washed and dried perfectly, kinda wish I would’ve done it sooner. Yay!


It’s a throwback music video, but it’s Florence and she’s timeless imo