🥱 art, music, and stories
Pouting cause lunch is late

🥱 art, music, and stories


Hello, not a great night of sleep last night. My internet went out between 2-4am leaving me in complete silence which I cannot sleep too. It came back after that but it stopped playing anyways at some point so yeah, I got up at 6am, then went back to sleep at 9am just woke up at 11am. 😵 haven’t even taken my vitamins yet.

Don’t you love a sloth SO cute!!

I have leftover Qdoba for lunch (yay!). Postponing eating it until 1pm because I want to wake up all the way first. Chimmie is reminding me it’s late. She’s like ”hello, you didn’t feed me for the second time today yet, I can count!“ now she is pouting on the floor 😆. I’m going to go be back after lunch…

I’m pretty refreshed now I’m going to create some sketchbook art this afternoon. Put on some pretty music. I should make some playlists but I get overwhelmed by the amount of music out there, lol. My brain wants to categorize it by decade, as if I can’t mix decades, lol. I remember sitting for hours waiting for specific songs to come onto the radio so I could record them ON TAPE! Then they might still not play the song you wanted that day, lol, you couldn’t get up and leave the room cause you might miss it. For the whole day 😱!

Okay teenage story time, after CD’s came out I stopped buying tapes except my first car didn’t play cd‘s only tapes, lol. So I did buy a couple to listen to in the car one day. I still remember which ones they were too because it was years! Garbage (Debut album of course) masterpiece! Marilyn Manson Smells like children, and Veruca Salt Eight arms to hold you. That is all I had, for years! 😆 Well, they got so much play. I gave them to a friend I worked with when I eventually got a cd playing car.

Now all the music you could want is there whenever you want it. These kids today have it SO easy. Thats still no excuse to not buy music do it when you can kids. My list of physical music desires keeps growing as I have no money dedicated toward it right now, but yes, I’ve been writing it down, maybe in the future I’ll be able to. Right now I need to buy a new chair. You know you’re getting old when you need to buy yourself one of these.

Lately I’ve been into music I listened to in the late 90’s and also music from late 00’s. Many times I’ll get a song stuck in my head and I have to play it over and over and over again. Who else? It has been a fun trip down memory lane. But right this second I’m listening to this album 👇🏻 Hante. Fierce

Alright, I about to work on art. I’ll be having a cookie break 😆. What is your favorite cookie? I think chocolate chip is ultimately my favorite if I’m being honest.

Back later…


A flash of ink

Cookie time and then doodle

It’s odd 😂 but done!