What a doozy

What a doozy


Good afternoon. I felt like literal hell last night after that milkshake, I think I need to refrain from milk for a bit. I knew it was a terrible idea. I think my body is screaming for a fast. I couldn’t drink coffee or bone broth this morning but I’m drinking water and I’m in the middle of my daily Celsius. I planned on making an egg and cheese muffin for lunch but changed my mind, and instead just had a little remaining Mississippi chicken I had left. Worked through meditations and percussion massaged my upper half of my body and now taking a break before moving on to my legs, which are super swollen. I’m so irritable from the uncomfortableness. Deep breathing, this is also my peak ovulation day of ovulation week. Which as we know is all kinds of delightful, right before Lion’s Gate as well, go figure. It’s like a storm in the sunshine 🎭. Hopefully I’ll be a bit better after a light food day, finishing my massage, and adequate sleep. I was up until 4am…throbbing legs. I have decided not to reorder the multivitamin in was taking just yet. I have noticed I am feeling more numbness in the feet the past month or so. I want to make sure it wasn’t from that, like having too much b6 a day. If it was it will reverse itself in a few days.

I wish it were 2 weeks to myself


Took a small timeout to write a few things I need from the store. Listening to some higher frequencies to keep me uplifted, I think it’s working, I can make jokes so that is good. Still using the grounding mat under my arms during the day, unsure if it is doing anything yet…I was just emailed to review it, lol. Nobody wants my opinions today! Come back tomorrow for that.

Here is the light energy incoming today. Thought I’d share here via Crystal…you can check her out on IG and YouTube. I’m curious what tomorrow’s will look like. Lol, yes my nervous system is in overdrive, kundalini crazy 🤪, it will most likely be a sleepless night by the looks of it.

Ascension help for a more pleasant experience in the physical body. Clear your energy blockages continuously, that means in and around you. So keep a tidy space light a candle freshen the air or let fresh air in from outside of not too hot, circulate the air and move your body fluidly. Somatic exercise and stretching is good. Listen to high frequencies like video below while also staying grounded, especially if you are manifesting something. If meditating always start off grounding yourself into the earth, imagine your roots anchoring into the core. You can’t ground down manifestations to the physical plane if your not grounded. So bare your feet, use your senses, be aware. Gratitude, be greatful for all you have now, and for what is coming up next. Ask for help from spirit guides angels, past relatives, higher self, whomever. I personally ask for body and spiritual healing from Raphael, protection bubble from Michael, dna code healing from Metatron, and Sandalphon to keep the internet from going out, he does his best, and if not he has to sing 😂. Samael to keep me company, he’s my angel and my demon. Also, that deity I spoke of meeting in my “Beyond Angel Shift” post, he is also part of my team I’ve gathered, he thinks I’m entertaining. I have others as I talked about being an Arcturian starseed, but that’s enough to know about me… 👽

Continuously clear blockages at this time!

Solar plexus ☀️

I need to roar 🤣, I think I’d feel better, but it would scare the neighbors. I’ll just do an inner one, and a whisper roar using my inside voice. I should burn some incense and paint my nails, they are all chipped up. Be back later.

Fb memory


Sorry I didn’t come back. Except to say good night going to try to get to sleep before midnight I got fifteen minutes, lol. I see you (well not see you but you know what I mean) 😴