A lovely Wednesday.

A lovely Wednesday.


Good morning, I am just finishing up packing an order from my shop today. So this order pays for my art supplies I’m getting. I love when that happens!

My shop is linked to my FB and IG profiles if interested in checking it out. I always throw in a free crystal in each order and witchy stickers. If we are friends I’ll even write you a letter.


I’m coming back and forth here today…check back soon. Time to lunch and mail.

Pleasant surprise my Amazon order came. I know I’m bad I’m have another Jimmy John’s sandwhich and cookie. Today it’s the veggies on wheat pretty much because I wanted the new cookie 😂 I didn’t see it yesterday. Perfect timing too because I have to take this supplement with food. So…I took my first dose an hour ago and another when I eat something later. I took a picture of my foot yesterday and I’m going to track the progress every three days by taking pics. I hope this helps the swelling. This has niacin in it which I’m sensitive to because I do happen to break this one down correctly from food, the only b vitamin that does. Luckily it’s only 10 mg not at all much and I’m not currently taking it in anything else. I haven’t flushed yet so I’m not going to. This cookie was okay. To me it tastes like a fig newton, only juicy and a hint of lemon too. Anyone dunk their fig newton in lemonade 😆, there that’s it, perfect description! Ew. Jimmy John’s probably doesn‘t want me writing reviews for them. The frankincense is for my knee pain.

I laughed just now because frankincense of course makes my brain go to Frankenstein as it should…right? That brought back a funny memory from childhood, back before caller ID was a thing you had to pick up the land line phone and just guess who was calling. lol! Remember? Ok well, I used to love to prank call people randomly from the phone book, (yeah the book with numbers in it), and just play the song, “Feed my Frankenstein“ to them and hang up. The late 80’s early 90’s was a fun time. If you did that now, first of all, it wouldn’t be fun because you would be either caught from the beginning or no one would answer at all. It’s probably a crime now I don’t even know. It was a great song to use for that.

Oh and here is my new oracle deck, The wild unknown Archetypes! Exciting! I want the Alchemy deck too…soon! I haven’t opened it yet I may later. Here’s is the box, it’s big! Nice gift for someone that likes cards for sure. I‘ll show more later, I must go for now.