Purging of density

Purging of density


I am back with another post. Exciting right? 😂 admit it. So I posted a sixth dimension post I started writing yesterday but was too sleepy to finish. So I finished it this morning and said I would coming back to write a normal post as a make up post for not having an art dump prepared this week. If you’ve not read the last post please check it out then come back to this one. So you know what I‘m talking about into the future.

The post flowed easily onto the page as I typed it. Even though I was fully rested, with one cup of coffee behind me, and actually getting to bed before midnight, I became instantly tired after finishing up. I power napped for 20 minutes, I was nauseously hungry and a little thirsty, but held off the food until noon.

I ate an Amy’s Kitchen chili renellos meal with some tortilla chips, small slice of chicken, and a teaspoon of honey. It was pretty good it was my first time trying it, I usually get the Mexican casserole. I guess I over ate, now I’m tired again, I can’t find the Goldilocks zone of correct proportions, Lol. It is okay though I just replenished my body. Now I’m clear to recieve more codes, looks like a little break atleast for today. Sometimes when the high energy comes in you need to sit with it and let it become you. I’ve been clearing my heavy energy all morning with theta waves. I see we have some possible G1 storms coming in June 28th. Ascension symptoms are intense this month. Sometimes I wish I was a cat since they live and walk through all dimensions with ease, when we do it comes with a price in the physical. Eat, sleep and drink more to compensate for the purging of density. 🤣 I‘m still tired I almost wrote purging of destiny. No don’t do that. Maybe I should lay down.

Todays Schumann looks relatively quiet with healing and small slivers of white light clearing the dense red and a blackout glitch

Back later maybe…🥱

Laser cat purges density with his eyes 🤣

My foot sucking monster got out of hand, he didn’t understand the job. For the video check Instagram.