Welcome August

Welcome August


Happy Lammas! By the looks of those crystals in the pic I have them all! First time ever to have a complete set like that. According to one of these things.

It is 1:17am I’m still awake listening music in the dark. The heavy thunder storm that happened has just ended. It wasn’t keeping me up, I took my vitamins late (2pm) and had afternoon caffeine both culprits to my perkiness. Lol. I figured I’d start writing. I get my grounding mat today, excited about it. I’ll also have the incense holder but the incense itself is delayed until Friday. O‘well. I do have some sage leaves to burn if I want to try it out.

I know I sound upbeat and I am in a way, but my body is run down. Feels like there is no air to breathe, I have A/C and fan running. I’ve been having the same waking dream scenario the past couple days. Not sure what it means yet but I’m not sharing it here, I wake up feeling good not bad so that is something. Sorry I can’t say more. I have not had a corvid visit in 3d life or the astral, as my oracle reading suggested. I did however see a video of two crows that were grooming each other. So that was good.

Well, it is 1:42am, I should attempt to sleep. My feet are numb and burning, ankles stiff. I’ll be back when I wake up. Now I have to say my prayers, lol. I feel like a child. Good night 🌙

Please heal my feet ankles and legs overnight 💫🪽

K…I woke up this morning had coffee and then somehow fell asleep and just woke up again half an hour ago and I just went straight into lunch. I feel so strange, so I guess it’s going to be a looong night. I had a multiple of dreams, the only one I remember is being in the first apartment I lived in, in Naples Florida and there were a lot of people moving into the buildings at the same time. There were tours taking place too, and then they wanted to inspect mine, lol, and I was not prepared and I wasn’t supposed to have anything on the walls so I would pull things off the wall, and then stand in front of the spot it was in to hide the nail holes 🤣. What thee hell did that mean.



My grounding mat has arrived, an incense holder and tiny little charcoal brickets. I’ll wait until tomorrow to try the burner but I’m using the mat now under my bare arms as I type. I feel a slight tingle.

Signing off. Goodnight. Here’s a throwback pic for Thursday. blonde daze 😵‍💫 , lol.


this pic reminds me of this kid meme 😂😂😂👇🏻

What I’m sleeping to tonight