Wet Wednesday
Relief! ☔️

Wet Wednesday


Good morning, ahhh it is kind of cool today, that is different. I'm really not a rain person but I'll take it.

Last night, I didn’t wake up in the middle of the night, unlike the night before which I woke up three times!  Feeling good in the body, despite the humidity. I am healing. However I suddenly feel the need of a back solar plexus meditation after this!

Almost new moon in Virgo time...and Mercury Retro ends, full steam ahead. Communication and tech problems wrap up I hope...funny thing, everytime I post on IG it's says, "welcome to Instagram" afterwords 🤔🙄, as if I'm new, not sure what thats about. This website also has been a little slowww too, and a few times didn't save my draft. I felt like recreating a new look on this pic from last year. I have been having lot of fun with Procreate and this is what I did with it. First, here is the one creation from last year, but I started over with the original photo, and then two new looks were born. So Fun!

I animated the red one, and I may post it but I'm sure people are getting sick of seeing me, although that doesn’t really stop me 🤣. Just shining my light into the world. Alright I'm going to go now...I want to paint and shape my nails today, I think I'll be putting on Zoya Waverly it's a blackened blue pixie dust shimmer it's SO magical.

"She's at peace, yet somehow on fire" -Samantha King